Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A user on the AVSForum has a post detailing the recommended settings of a fellow forum user, and settings from Sony to decrease the mura effect.

"I played the HD-DVD Batman Begins (you know, the other DC Comic Hero besides Superman!) and paused the film in two spots. One spot is a dark scene in the movie (indoors, minimal lighting) and the other scene contains lots of light (outdoors and snow). I have paused the film in two locations and used the following settings:

Vivid (default factory settings)
Standard (default factory settings - BTW - this is the setting I use w/ some tweakage, but for the purpose of this photo shoot, I put Standard settings back to default)
Custom (this is where I dialed in your settings. I used minimal backlight, picture set to 90, light sensor ON and power saver HIGH)

Granted, the photography isn't the best in the world, but the camera setting was the same for all three test groups and the pictures speak for themselves.

Here they are in the following order: Vivid, Standard, Andrew's Settings (Custom)"

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Anonymous said...

These are the photos I took using the adjustments to backlight, light sensor and power saver. The last picture is clearly not acceptable and completely defeats the purpose of having a high definition TV with such amazing capabilities. It's the equivalent to having a Ferarri and choosing to put a car cover over it rather than driving it. Although a car cover over your TV would also solve any cloudy/mura defect on the Sony XBRs!! =)

Anonymous said...

The middle picture looks great and I don't see any clouds like the picture on the other page. The top one is too bright and you shouldn't watch your TV that way. You are lucky I guess to have such a perfect TV because other people seem to have a problem.

Bob in Atlanta

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob. The first picture is way over the top with regards to picture quality for my viewing tastes. The top picture is using the factory default Vivid setting. The middle picture is using the factory default Standard setting. The last picture is using the settings that Sony has instructed buyers with cloudy panels to use. Their solution to the clouding problem has basically been to get owners to adjust their TVs to such a degree of darkness that the clouds are, for the most part, masked.

I've been through six XBR2's in my quest to find a cloudless panel. Five of those were 40XBR2s and one was a 46XBR2. Anyhow, you were correct. My TV does NOT have clouds. The purpose of this group of three pictures is to show the difference between the two preset factory default settings and the setting at which Sony (and one nut job on the AVS Forum) has instructed owners to adjust their TVs to in order to "correct" the clouding problem. A problem, which by the way, Sony has interestingly enough called normal. If it was normal, why would people have to adjust their picture quality to the dimmest, darkest presentation possible?